Play The Guitar – Fast, Easy and Efficiently

Everyone is born with their own specific talent. Not everyone is able to pick up an instrument and play like it was their job. For most people, it takes years and years of practice to perfect the skill. Many give up way before they get to this point. If you want to play the guitar fast, easy and efficiently then keep reading!

The guitar is thought of by many as the most rewarding, inexpensive (depending on the guitar you buy), and mobile instrument to learn. The fact that you are able to play your guitar just about anywhere is a great advantage.

Many popular guitarists have admitted that playing the guitar as well as they do has been a lifelong commitment, but probably one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. The guitar is almost like an extension of your body. Being able to express yourself through the music you make is just magical.

Below are some simple steps that will help you to play the guitar – fast, easy and efficiently.

Step one.
You must first decide on what type of guitar you want to play. There are two basic types of guitars. Acoustic and electric. Depending on the type of music you want to play will help you decide on the style of guitar. If you are into heavier music then the electric will probably suit your needs more, whereas if you are more into pop/softer rock, then the acoustic is a great choice. The acoustic is usually a more popular choice for beginners, although the electric is thought to be easier to play.

Step two.
Get yourself books and charts that will help you to learn your chords and notes. If you don’t have the means to go to a book or music store to buy these you can search around online. There are many sites on the internet that are great tools to help you learn to play the guitar. There are many resources that you can find with free information. Look for sites that have visual aids such as videos and pictures to help you. Being able to see where your fingers are supposed to be as opposed to looking at a drawing may be more helpful to some people.

Step three.
Learn how to play the basic chords. Once you are happy that you know the basics, move on to the more difficult chords. Don’t push yourself too far too fast. Have a goal in mind, but if you don’t reach that goal it’s OK. Set yourself a new one. Make sure you can play the basic chords with your eyes closed. It’s very important to be comfortable with the note. The more comfortable you are, the easier your chords will flow together.
At first you may have a lot of pain in your fingers. This is normal. Nothing comes without a price to pay right? But once you play for longer, eventually they tips of your fingers will form calluses and you will be able to play your chords without any pain.

Step four.
Keep practicing. If you can bring your guitar to work and practice on your breaks, do so. If you are watching TV, have your guitar in your hand and practice your finger placements. Just keep going. Every day, make time to play. Remember it is supposed to be fun, so have fun with it!

Category: Guitar Tips