Basic Guitar Lessons for Free

If you are considering learning to play the guitar and you don’t want to pay the cost of a tutor, there are other alternates where you can get basic guitar lessons for free. Here are some tips on how you can avoid the cost of a qualified instructor.

There are two common ways that most people use to learn to play the guitar when they don’t want to pay for lessons. The first way is look around you. Is there anyone you know that plays the guitar? Maybe a close friend, colleague, someone in your class or even your significant other? When trying to find someone you know to help you, make sure they are someone who is patient and willing to spend a good amount of time working with you. After all Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you wont learn to play guitar in one either!

Another method to finding basic guitar lessons for free is to use the resources available to you. There are many tools online that can help you to learn to play the guitar. The advantage with doing online learning is that you can practice at will. No one else’s schedule to work around, but your own. When you feel you need more work on certain things, you can take the time to practice those skills and not feel a burden to anyone else. And if you want to learn for multiple hours a day, or rest if you need to, then that’s your call. You are your own tutor.

I have outlined 5 steps below to get you well on your way to learning guitar.

1. The first thing is essential in learning to play guitar. You actually NEED a guitar. If you can’t afford your own, ask friends and family to see if anyone has one you can borrow until you decide if you want to buy your own. Also you will need a pick (or you can strum with your fingers, that’s your call), a stool or chair (whatever you are comfortable on), and mostly dedication and time. Once you have all these things, learn the different parts of your guitar.

2. If you have never played the guitar before, chances are your fingers will be a little tense. So move your fingers. Do what ever you think will help them not feel “stiff”. If your fingers are tense, your notes will not flow correctly. The more you practice, the easier it will get.

3. Once you are comfortable with your guitar, learning the chords is your next step. Start off with the basic chords. Probably the easiest chords to begin with are C, Cm, and C7. D, Dm, D7. E, Em, E7. F, Fm, F7. G, Gm, G7. A, Am, A7. B, Bm, B7. You can find the finger placements for these chords online for free. Once you master these chords you will have a great start in playing many songs as these are some of the easier chords that are widely used by many musicians.

4. Once you are more familiar with the chords, you need to practice strumming. Listen to the song you are trying to play and how they strum. Play along with the radio until you get the hang of it, and then try it alone. It is alot easier to strum than to pluck, so don’t jump ahead of yourself. You can try the strumming pattern of “down, down, up, up, down, up…” to help you when you start.

5. Finally the last and most important step is to practice. You are not going to become a famous musician over night, but if you practice enough, you will get better. Have a personal goal you want to reach and try to stick to that (like playing your favorite song within the next 6 months). Don’t set your expectations too high. And have fun! That’s why you wanted to play in the first place right?

In conclusion, there are several resources around you that will help you get basic guitar lessons for free. Now the rest is up to you.

Category: Guitar Lessons